Artisan Immunity Boost No. 6 Loose Leaf Tisane

$ 14.50

Each season brings a new Immunity Boost blend and they sell out quickly!

The dark, earthy notes of perilla, echinacea flowers, yarrow, marigold leaf, solidago, mullein, rosemary, calendula, chicory, lemon verbena, amaranth leaf, and spearmint are a great choice for coffee drinkers. 

This power house blend is locally grown and packed with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial botanicals. 


Available in 1 oz or 0.3 oz pouches or single serving sample sizes.


Ingredients List

Seasonal Immunity Booster —Perilla, Echinacea Purpurea Flowers, Yarrow, Marigold Leaf, Solidago, Mullein, Rosemary, Calendula, Chicory, Lemon Verbena, Amaranth Leaf, and Spearmint

Use/Care Instructions

Serving suggestion: 1 Tbl for 10oz water.
Avg Servings per Bag. 15 Cups

Water temperature: 205ºF
Brewing time: 3-5 minutes.
Infusions: 4x (For each additional infusion add 1 minute to brew time)

We enjoy this blend all year long, as it is delicious hot or iced.

You can add to a warm bath or in a bowl as a facial steam for a calming retreat. Strained and added to a bottle and used as a botanical spritz for skin or hair.


Awaken Your Senses: Lemongrass & Sweet Basil Bliss!

Hand Soap specifically made to clean hands without over drying, while also providing a special aromatherapeutic experience.